CCAT Membership Application Form
4 Categories of Membership:
- Ordinary Member refers to Thai citizens who are working in fields related to Christian Counseling or in the mental health field and have completed an education degree or training in counseling or related mental health field which is recognized by CCAT e.g. psychiatrist, psychologist, social workers, professional counselor, and lay counselor.
- Extra Ordinary Member refers to Thai citizen who doesn’t have an education degree or training in counseling or related mental health field but works in mental health institution or organization that provides mental health service.
- Associate Member refers to expats that are working in fields related related to Christian Counseling or mental health field in Thailand
- Honorary Member refers to person who is highly recognized for his/her qualification or a person who contributes to CCAT or makes an impact in the counseling and mental health field, and CCAT board of committee invites him/her to become honorary member
Membership Fee
(Note: Honorary Member is not required to pay for membership fee)
** Introductory Fee 500 baht
- Two Year Membership Fee 400 baht
- Five Year Membership Fee 900 baht
- Life Long Membership Fee 2,500 baht
If the board authorizes the applicant to be a member of CCAT, the applicant must pay for the introductory fee, and membership fee within 30 day after receiving the notification of the approval from CCAT. The application will be complete after the introductory fee, and membership fee has been paid. If payment is late, your application is subject to cancellation.
End of Membership
- Death
- Resignation by sending a resignation letter to the board and the board has approved. The member must pay all the debt he/she owes CCAT
- Failure to retain qualifications for membership
- The decision made by the general meeting or board to end membership due to unethical acts or discredit CCAT
- Failure to send payment for 3 years and after the registrar sends two notification letters
Rights and Responsibility of Members
- Ordinary Member will be eligible to be elected to serve on the board of CCAT
- Ordinary and Extra Ordinary Member have the right to vote in the Annual General Meeting
- All member could give suggestion to the board and in the AGM
- All members will receive appropriate help from the board in academic or other support according to decision of the board
- The member will get a certification letter of membership and their name will be listed on CCAT website
- All members will get 10 percent discount from any workshop or training that is hosted by CCAT
- All members has right to inspect CCAT finance and request for motion of no-confidence
- All members have a duty to comply with CCAT regulations and bylaws
- All members have a duty to behave in accordance to the conduct of membership and as a respective member
- All members have a duty to cooperate and support CCAT’s activities
- All members have a duty to participate in CCAT’s activities
- All members are responsible to preserve and share the reputation of CCAT